How A Shift In Our Beliefs Could Change The World

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A heartfelt letter to America under a Trump administration.

Dear America,
A lot of what we are living today is based on the very things that we inherited from our ancestors. And if we’re going to be honest about it, not all of that is something to be proud of.
Some of it has caused tremendous pain and trauma in the world, much of which has been passed on for generations. Some of it has caused tremendous fear and anxiety, which has done the same.
But at some point along our journey, we must come to recognize that evolving times call for evolved minds, emotions, and ways of being.
When your thoughts no longer serve your current condition or circumstances, you must be willing to replace them with new thoughts that will better serve you.
This brings me to the topic of shifting beliefs…
One of my favorite teachers on this subject would have to be Abraham and Esther Hicks. If you’ve never heard of them, I’d advise you to get started here.
I’ve been a student of theirs for nearly 5 years now, and I must say that their teachings are life changing. One of the points that their teachings consistently drive home is this:
“A belief is only a thought you keep thinking until you believe it’s true” — Abraham Hicks
To add to this principle on beliefs, whatever you focus on most in life, will grow, and you will start to see more and more evidence of it all around you. The biggest problem with this is that most people focus on the problem more than they do the solution.
Imagine that… It’s no coincidence that the person who chooses to focus on love, prosperity, and abundance are those who get to experience those more of things in their daily lives.
On the contrary, those who dwell in negativity, hopelessness, helplessness, and lack (or a ‘not enough’ mentality) are those who live the misery of it often. According to Abraham, here’s why:
The realization that something is not as you want it to be is an important first step, but once you have identified that, the faster you are able to turn your attention in the direction of a solution, the better, because a continuing exploration of the problem will prevent you from finding the solution. The problem is a different vibrational frequency than the solution — and all thoughts (or vibrations) are affected by (or managed by) the Law of Attraction. — Excerpted from Money and the Law of Attraction— 3/31/09
So how do we ensure that we are evolving in a way that will bring us closer to a more unified, healthy, and loving world?
Well, when we become aware of our own thoughts, we have to be honest about what comes up. If you find that your thinking is predominantly everything that you don’t wish to experience, then you must be willing to shift beyond those beliefs because they contribute to the whole of what we are all experiencing around the WORLD.
With the surge of technology and platforms like YouTube, we are quickly becoming the spiritually awakened generation who understands the fundamentals of change better than any collective generation that ever lived.
It is up to each of us to keep ourselves educated on the principles and ideas that will move humanity forward. More importantly, we must be the demonstration of what we learn, because faith without action is useless.
When we are willing to change ourselves (individually) for the better, we help change our world collectively.

When life gives you lemons, will you make lemonade?

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Answering the call to live your life’s purpose.

When I started my blog in 2011, I had no real expectations other than it serving as a source of inspiration for those who needed it. Little did I know, I’d be inspiring myself along the way. Although I don’t post as often as I did when I first launched my site, the mere thought of abandoning it would sadden my soul… I know, you’re probably thinking,”Is it really that deep?” The truth of the matter is, IT IS THAT DEEP!!
What I know about life is that we all have gifts and talents. And at different phases of life, we are called to use those gifts and talents in ways that will enrich the lives of others and ultimately bring us fulfillment. It goes without saying that my gift and passion lies in counseling and inspiring others to walk in their personal power. These are the very gifts that I take with me everywhere I go, no matter where I go. In every job I’ve ever had, and every friendship I’ve ever invested in, I have always made it a point to bring more of what my spirit calls me to be to every situation. My goal at this phase of life however, is to become MORE of who I AM.
More recently, I struggled with being at a job that I had zero desire to stay in. In fact, many mornings I felt anxiety at the mere thought of going to work. No, it’s not because I don’t enjoy working. I happen to have an amazing work ethic, but I wouldn’t hesitate at the option of being a housewife for a few years. Just kidding (NOT! lol)… 😉 It’s just that nothing about my job at the time made me light up inside. That thing that I do so well (inspire and counsel people), didn’t stand a chance to survive nor thrive as long as I remained in that position. My spirit was calling for my return to those things that feed it. And so, here we are.
As I write this post, I am filled with gratitude for that job and every job I had before and since then. Yes, I am grateful for those experiences because they forced me to be more of myself. How, you ask? Well, because the more I realized how much those lines of work were not for me, the clearer I became about what IS for me. The more I realize what I’m not great at, the clearer I become about what I do so very well.
Oftentimes it is our greatest failures and disappointments that push us towards our greatest accomplishments. In this chapter of my life, I choose to answer the call of my soul to do more of what feeds it. I choose to honor my soul by not allowing what I do not want to overshadow my deepest desires. I choose to allow the light of my soul to shine brighter by being more of who and what I AM without apology, guilt, nor fear. I am answering life’s call to be more of ME, and it is my hope and prayer that you will be inspired to be more of YOU.
When life whispers, speaks, screams and shouts, will you answer the call to live your purpose? I want to know and I’d love to help. Leave a comment below 

The Myth About Change

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And the REAL reason why we take so long to make it happen.

“Change doesn’t take time, it happens in an instant… right when you make a decision. It’s getting ready to change that takes time.” — Tony Robbins
When I first heard this idea I was driving home after a fairly long and stressful day and Tony Robbins’ “Awaken the Giant Within” audio book was playing on my radio. As simple and seemingly obvious as this statement seems, it’s not so obvious when one has been conditioned to think that time has to slip by in order for change to occur. These past few months I’ve been challenged to change in various ways, just as every human being is constantly being put to the test. Only, I found myself knowing exactly how I needed to change, but stuck at the same time. Why, seems to be a good question to ask at this point. The reason? Well, my reason is most common as everyone else’s reason; F-E-A-R.
At the time, I didn’t like not knowing, I didn’t want to fail, I wasn’t sure if I was good enough, smart enough, or just plain enough. Whatever the reason was, it was always based on fear.
When it comes to goals and dreams, the truth that I’ve come to know is that no matter how much knowledge and skill one may acquire, no matter how talented, good looking or accomplished one may be, fear can be a most powerful force in keeping one’s dreams at a distance, and for some, never having them manifest at all.
The good news is that we as humans were blessed with a special gift; the gift of choice. We can CHOOSE to change how we view life and ourselves in ways that bring about results, instead of keeping us stuck. The problem, however, is that many of us have bought into the idea that change takes time. SO NOT TRUE! Change is always taking place all around us at any given moment. Change happens in every instance; from thoughts, to movement, to growth, even down to our every breath. Just because you can’t see the change right away, doesn’t mean it's not happening. The belief that change takes time only gives us the excuse to stay the same on borrowed time, except time is one thing that we can never get back.
As explained by Tony Robbins, the moment we make a decision that change MUST occur or else, we somehow muster up the will and the resources to make things happen. When the choice is do or die, and we’re backed against the wall we always produce a RESULT (maybe not the one we initially wanted, but a result nonetheless), and it almost always seems like a miracle! But the truth is that these “so-called miracles” are always at our disposal as humans. The moment we make the decision that change mustoccur, it does. But we have to be ready.
How do you get ready? As Tony suggests, we usually stay stagnant because we associate more pain with thought of change, than we do with our current circumstance. We think that changing will be more painful than staying the same because we fear the unknown. But if we decide to associate the idea of what it would cost if we don’t change with more pain, instead of the other way around, then change becomes DO OR DIE… Then, and only then, is when miracles can occur––that’s when we get results!
I wanted to share this idea with my readers because seeing it this way has opened up an entire new world of possibilities for myself. My hope is that it will do the same for you.
What area of your life do you know that you need to change in order for things to get better, but haven’t yet? What fear is keeping you from making a commitment to change? I really do want to know, so feel free to leave comment because we all learn from one another.

No failures or mistakes, just lessons learned

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Hey tribe!
This week, I’d like to talk about the topic of failure and mistakes. My life’s journey has taught me that neither are as big a deal as we often make them out to be. In fact, I don’t believe in either because in the grander scheme of life it has been proven that every experience we ever have is an opportunity to expand our awareness. Check out a few of the reasons why I believe that failures and mistakes are really lessons in disguise.

Failure isn’t real.

For starters, I believe that sometimes we use failure as an excuse to quit and give up on ourselves because it’s easier than sticking with something for the long haul. But I’m here to remind you that just because you don’t get the outcome that you want, doesn’t mean you won’t ever succeed.
Some of the most famous names in history would never be known today had they given up on themselves at the first sign of defeat. Michael Jordan, Thomas Edison, the Wright brothers… Beyoncé for goodness sake! Each of these people, and countless others, never labeled themselves failures because they didn’t get it right the first time. Instead, they let those temporary moments of defeat fuel them to keep going, keep working, keep practicing to hone their craft. And every day that would go by, they were getting better and better with time. Today, we know these people as some of the greatest of all time. But by no means are they super human. They just chose to see experiences differently. They chose to see them as opportunities to be better.

Mistakes are there to help you grow.

You know the saying, “Nobody’s perfect,” or “Everybody makes mistakes?” Well it’s true, and quite frankly, that’s what makes life awesome!
If we didn’t make mistakes, we wouldn’t know what we need to do to improve ourselves. Mistakes are also opportunities to do and be better. — Brittnay C. Starks
We get to use the things that we didn’t get right the first time and make better choices moving forward. Choosing a different thought and corresponding action is what will render a different outcome than the one before. And as the late and great Maya Angelou once said:
When you know better, you do better. — Maya Angelou
The fact of the matter is that you won’t always have the answers, and that’s okay. But when you do gain insight, then it’s up to you to do something proactive with that revelation. So… know that it’s always okay for you to miss the mark at first and then self-correct. You can let yourself off the hook now. ;-)

A delay is not a denial.

When things don’t happen right when you want them to, just know that the “in between” time is an opportunity for you to do the inner work that is required before you can have the things that you truly desire.
A delay gives you the chance to learn, develop new skills, and hone your craft. You can get what you want right now today, but are you the person that it takes to keep it?
This quote pretty much speaks for itself.
Oftentimes, the very thing that makes us label ourselves “failures” or see mistakes as anything other than lessons is the whole idea of a time delay. A delay is often the very thing that is needed to prepare you for the life of your dreams. If your dream life would come any sooner than it should, you probably wouldn’t enjoy it because you wouldn’t feel prepared to handle it. Hence the reason why people who win the lottery often lose it all in a short period of time. Or the reason why people who experience overnight fame, often fall into depression.
The moral of the story is this:
Use the experiences of your life as a tool to learn and grow. They are there to teach you something, to allow you to become more, to do more, and to achieve more. If you use your time wisely, you could become the very person that it will take to not only to get the life you want, but to keep it.

Top 3 Tips For Staying Motivated When You Just Don’t Feel Like It Is fear getting in the way?

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How often is it that you find yourself with a heap of things to do, yet you can’t seem to make yourself get around to doing them? Well if you’re anything like me, the answer is probably more often than you are proud to admit. But if we’re being honest about things, this is an issue that most people have dealt with at some point in their lives. And it’s one that I have come to learn a few quick fixes that get me back in shape. And I’m pretty sure they can work for you too!
So, what keeps you from getting things done?
Before we get into the solution, let’s talk about the root cause of having a lack of motivation. It all boils down to one word. Fear. Grrrrrrrr!
Procrastination is a sign of fear; fear of failure, fear of being overwhelmed and overworked, or fear of the unknown. When you find yourself putting things off, stop and ask yourself, “What am I afraid of?”
Fear is the ugly creature that creeps into every storyline to steal your joy, peace, and sometimes even rob you of the life that you were destined to lead. Read more about how crippling fear can be here.
Think of it in terms of cause and effect. Better yet, think of what happens when you catch a cold. What are the symptoms of a cold? Runny nose, cough, tearing eyes, so on and so forth. The symptoms are what let you know that you are not at 100% with your health. They are only the indicator of something else. In this case, the virus that causes your body to go out of whack.
The same goes for fear. Fear is like the virus that leads you to do all kinds of things that you wouldn’t normally do. Hence the reason why for centuries, humanity has been asked the question:
What would you do if you weren’t afraid? — Unknown
Well this is the exact question you must ask when you find yourself putting off the very tasks that would only benefit you to complete.

Here are my top 3 go-to tips for cutting the through the B.S. and getting it done!

Yes, I call fear a bunch of B.S.! Why? Well because fear is usually just a reaction that you have to the negative thoughts that you hold in your mind about certain subjects. It’s telling yourself over and over again that you are not good enough, that you can’t possibly get that thing done, that it would take way too much energy to do, that you will fail, or even somehow be destroyed by the process.
But when it comes to getting the things done that will help improve the quality of your life, such as getting that job, improving your finances, starting that dream business, etc… Putting it off will only keep your goodness from you longer. So here are the 3 things I’ve learned to do to get past this roadblock.
  1. Get clear about your fear: What scares you most about getting this task completed? Honestly, laziness is also a fear of being overworked. Rejection is never fun, and that could be another reason why you haven’t tackled your priorities. Whatever it is, know it and own it. You can’t fix what you don’t acknowledge.
  2. Ask yourself, ” What would it cost me if I don’t do it?”: Here is where we get real with ourselves about our current circumstances. If you are not where you want to be, then the only way to change that is to do something about it. You need to be clear about what your inaction could mean for your life. And the more severe the consequence, or the more you feel that some part of your life will suffer longer, the more of a priority it needs to be.
  3. Change your self-talk: 99% of all doubt comes from our own thoughts. The other 1 % comes from the rest of the world. So take some time to sift through your own thoughts and see how you may actually be acting as your own worst enemy. It always helps to feed your mind messages that are more likely to inspire you to take action. This includes reading books, or blogs like this ;-). Once you get your mind right about the subject, then you will be willing to do whatever is in your power to make something happen.
Hope this helps! As usual, the best conversations take place in the comments. If you have a comment or question, I’d love to hear from you!

What you resist, persists

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Law of Attraction: Why fighting against what you do not want draws in more negativity
The Law of Attraction and how it works!
Here’s why your feelings matter
Keep In Touch With Me!
Have you ever had an experience where something that you did not want to happen, happened? … I know, DUH! But hear me out.
Do you remember what you were thinking or saying to yourself before it did? Although this isn’t the case for every experience, in that particular instance did your self-talk go something like this?:
“I know that _________ is going to happen, I just know it’s going to… watch. It will, I just know it.”
And then, BAM! It happens…
If you can relate, let me just say that you are not alone. These “premonition-like” instances are often described by Law of Attraction practitioners as a “drawing in” of a particular event.
According to Law of Attraction, so many us subconsciously sabotage our own goodness by focusing on the things we don’t want or like about our life experiences. But if you have a sound understanding of the law, then you know that it does not discriminate against the things that you focus on.
This means that even when you are focused on something that you do not wish to happen, you can subconsciously be drawing it into your experience. Yes, YOU could be attracting the very things that you resist. And what you resist, persist.
When you push against something that you do not like, that very action isn’t what’s going to make it go away. In fact, Law of Attractions says that doing this will only amplify more of what you don’t want.
If you focus upon whatever you want, you will attract whatever you want. If you focus upon the lack of what you want, you will attract more of the lack.- Abraham Hicks
The Law of Attraction also works in the same way as the law of gravity and motion combined.
Example: If you shoot a bullet an impenetrable object, when it hits the object it can bounce off and hit something else with the same force. Or if you toss something up in the air with strong force, it can build that same momentum as it comes back down.
Likewise, Law of Attraction says that what you focus your attention on most (in terms of intense emotion and energy), you get back in the form of more experiences that will match that same frequency or feeling.
If you want to create change in your life, in your relationships, and in the world, you must focus all of your attention on what you want. DO NOT entertain what you do not want. The Law of Attraction is unbiased, and you will attract people and experiences based on the thoughts that you allow yourself to focus on most. — Brittnay C. Starks
According to Abraham & Esther Hicks, world-renowned teachers of Law of Attraction, the way that you feel is a HUGE DEAL! Your feelings matter because they serve as your internal compass, letting you know what your point of attraction is at any given moment.
When you feel bad, you are emitting a particular energy that can only come back to you in the same way that it left; leaving you with more things to feel bad about. When you feel good, the same thing happens. That good feeling energy is returned to you, just as you sent it out into the world, bringing in more things to feel good about.
But the beauty of it all is that you can always shift your point of attraction by shifting your focus to something that makes you feel better no matter what is going on around you.
A good place to start would be to think about your #MCM or #WCW. Or even better, think about what it would feel like to experience the things that you truly desire. The excitement that you would feel from this space is exactly the kind of energy that draws more positive experiences.
Whatever it takes, do it, and do it often! When you’re looking to make positive changes, you can’t count on a positive outcome if your attention is always stuck on how bad things are.
If you are part of my email list, then you know how much I sing the praises of author and founder of Hay House Publishing, Louise Hay for her positive contributions to the world of metaphysics and spirituality. And if you are familiar with the term “positive affirmations,” then you probably know it because of her and the popularity of her 1980’s Bestseller You Can Heal Your Life. This book marked the beginning of my life being changed, and if this is your first time hearing of it, I’m sure it will do the same for you.
Check out a video clip of the movie You Can Heal Your Life, which is based on the book, below.