Permission Marketing Summary

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Turning Strangers into Friends and Friends into Customers

Let’s learn more about marketing!!
Ads are supposed to be catchy, in terms of grabbing customer attention within seconds. In this book summary, we will discuss how to achieve that.

Who Should Read “Permission Marketing”? And Why?

This book gives the term “Marketing” a whole new dimension, from a different standpoint.
Due to the abundance of information, the world is hoping for an internal organizational shift.
People are annoyed by thousands and thousands of imposed messages and thereby is only logical to seek only relevance, not quantity.
In addition, individuals who strive for allowing consumers to participate in the ads-developing procedure indirectly will be thrilled by Seth Godin and his theories.
Although the busyness drives people crazy, conveying a message without conducting research, is like buying groceries randomly – without even checking what suits you.
Stay alert to new business opportunities, and grab every possibility along the way.

About Seth Godin

Seth GodinSeth Godin was born on July 10th, 1960  in New York. He had many successful campaigns during his career.
He also had an executive role in Yahoo as the vice-president of direct marketing for Yahoo, which later on was amazed by Yoyodyne, Godin’s company.
As a brand manager Seth has worked at Spinnaker Software, a company developing multimedia products.
Seth Godin is a marketing professional and one of the most influential bloggers in the world.
In his classic “Permission Marketing,” he brings fundamental concepts essential to anyone who wants to do marketing for a changed consumer.
Commercials during your favorite TV show or telemarketing call at family dinner time are over as is traditional advertising based on catching people’s attention through the interruption.
Rather than bothering your prospect client, why not encourage him/her to accept your marketing messages voluntarily?
Permission marketing allows you to talk only to who really cares about your products and services and allows your company to build long-term relationships with your customers. 

“Permission Marketing Summary”

First of all, don’t get too comfortable with the process of spending thousands of dollars on a single marketing campaign. By all means, money can’t buy creativity and uniqueness.
In fact, a marketer can start by putting himself/herself into a customer’s perspective, and interpret the message conveyed – impartially.
In other words, you should discover what your customers expect from you. Adhering to old concepts, the bigger- the better; can lead to total disaster.
You’ll end up penniless without seeing any positive results.
The Yahoo’s head of direct marketing once said, “If you are not familiar with consumers preferences, just ask them”. Simple as that.
You don’t need to waste any time trying to work things out, only investigate their needs. In reality, the marketing departments give priority to expensive marketing campaigns and neglect other elements like production, management, finance, etc.
Permission Marketing” is the embodiment of a successful journey, that guarantees ROI.
For your permission marketing strategy to be successful, it must be based on 3 main characteristics:
  • It must be anticipated by the customer: He has to wait for information about the product or service of his company beforehand. It’s not about catching him by surprise. It’s about wanting to hear you.
  • It must be personal: Marketing information has to relate deeply to the customer and not focus on a mass market. It has to be personalized.
  • Relevant to the client: It has to be about something that really matters and wants to know more about that subject. If you follow these 3 criteria, people will want to hear more about you and your brand.
Seth Godin only provides assistance and emboldens organizations, to award the customers by handing over a responsible role, before launching a “campaign”.
Let’s clear everything linked to permission, and why the author indicates that the learning process has much in common with everything else.
In fact, by traditional standards, authorization and participation meet on controversial grounds. In spite of living in the Information Age, a time of lesser social restrictions, it seems like we don’t have the time when it comes to pleasing our customers. Many would disagree, but let’s look at the facts.
Loyal customers don’t want anything in return other than a product that satisfies their needs.
On the other hand, when targeting new markets, in order to gain trust, permit customers to start the editing process on your behalf.
Don’t acknowledge the theory that customers are not interested in making their contribution. If you plan on “donating” your budget or provide a reward for customers that respect your creativity, you’ll end up bankrupt in no time. Payments, bonuses, are inefficient strategies, mainly because they do not last.
Major breakthroughs in the world of marketing emerged as a result of openness and ingenuity. However, you can save money by allowing the customers to do the job for you. What does this mean?
It means, instead of conducting extensive analysis, that is unlikely to pay off, you can get better results with a lower budget if consumers are willing to cooperate.
Direct marketing experts endorse the idea of having a “Permission” rather than “Interruption” marketing.  
There are 5 levels of permission your brand can have from your customers:
  • Situational permission: The potential client allows your company to contact you, providing you with your contact information and personal information, although you still do not have confidence in the brand;
  • Brand confidence: The potential customer trusts the brand and allows the business to continue communicating with it about their needs;
  • Personal relationship: Permission exists because the potential client has a personal relationship with someone in the company;
  • Permission for points, sweepstakes, and contests: At this stage, the client has agreed to receive information about the company’s products and services and has already authorized the use of his personal data because they had incentives, such as a draw, a competition or some occasional promotion;
  • Intravenous Permission: The company has already taken command of the supply of a product or service, and the customer is totally dependent on the business. The more a customer trusts your business, the more permissions he or she will give you. In the ideal scenario, your company gets to the point of having an intravenous permit. A good example of this is when you subscribe to a magazine. You pay in advance, trust the publisher to get content that interests you, never know what’s coming next time, but keep paying.
In the world of business, the cost-effective ratio, alongside other metrics determines whether you are applying the right strategy or not.
From customer’s perspective, how beautiful it would be, if every manufacturer or service provider consults you first, before embarking on a shallow campaign.
The resistance towards this foolish approach is only a consequence of some company’s imposed advertising, that doesn’t produce any valuable piece of information or lacks that inner spark.  
Undoubtedly, the Internet is the brand-building brain that enables this whole operation to function. However, it’s disgraceful to expect technology to do all the hard work, due to your inconsistencies.
Godin’s compelling book gives powerful insights and a scheme that can build an all-encompassing system.
GetNugget embraces the idea of having “Permission” rather than “Disturbing” set of ads and recommends this easily-absorbable book to marketing executives, students, and other independent decision-makers.

Key Lessons from “Permission Marketing”

1.      Creativity to the test
2.      “Out-of-box” mindset as one of the critical elements in launching an ad
3.      Dialogue instead of a monologue

Creativity to the test

Addressing an audience is science, it’s a mystery because there is not a single way working in every situation.
In general, it all depends on various factors, like the environment, political situation, marketing capabilities, company’s market share, creativity, etc.

“Out-of-box” mindset as one of the critical elements in launching an ad

The out of box thinking patterns are crucial for taking into consideration the consumer’s permission before processing the commercial.
Even though such approach is rarely practiced, you should once again reconsider your strategy.

Dialogue instead of a monologue

Sometimes, paying attention to ads is a process linked to not just the message, but by the media as well. The time needed for a consumer to feel the pull is perhaps the most significant challenge in the world of marketing.
The digital age certainly doesn’t have shortages of material required to build an ad, but lacking creativity is a common problem.
As can be seen “Permission Marketing” targets a new method of “interacting” or establishing a dialogue between both parties, without interfering in other activities.

“Permission Marketing” Quotes

Creating value through interaction is far more important than solving a consumer’s problem in thirty seconds.They’re building an asset that has nothing to do with brand and everything to do with their relationship with you.Permission Marketing is just like dating. It turns strangers into friends and friends into lifetime customers. Many of the rules of dating apply, and so do many of the benefits.The biggest secret of the Internet is that it is inherently a direct marketing medium. In fact, the Internet is the greatest direct marketing medium of all time.Permission Marketing is the tool that unlocks the power of the Internet.


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