“Success Is a Journey Summary”

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Success Is a Journey Summary7 Steps to Achieving Success in the Business of Life

First of all, what is a success? Is it a destination or a journey? Every person understands life differently, but the key elements of success remain exactly the same.
We outline the book in a nutshell and describe the features for reaching success: try, fail, change your plan.

Who Should Read “Success Is a Journey”? And Why?

In the 21st century, any person can find various self-help guide books, conveying unique messages. The “magic” lies within the choice. It is not easy to pick the perfect one for you, the one competent enough to lift you up, motivate and the way you function. What keeps us down? It is not the environment; our ego is responsible for that.
Success is a Journey” is a book targeted for the entire world, there are no discriminations or prejudices. The truth is bitter; the fact is that you are the creator of everything, a perfect vision must be aimed towards productiveness, happiness, and self-development.

About Jeffrey J. Mayer

Jeffrey J. MayerJeffrey J. Mayer’s area of competence is expanding on a daily basis. He is nothing less than an expert on time management. Mr. Mayer as a business consultant has shown his goodwill by helping thousands of people to become more efficient in life.
As a writer, Mayer has written many books, which changed people’s lives like Time Management for Dummies; If You Haven’t Got the Time to Do It Right, When Will You Find the Time to Do It; Success is a Journey. Despite working as a writer, Mayer is also the founder of one consulting company called Mayer Enterprises.

“Success Is a Journey Summary”

There are varieties of key factors and helpful tips that are essential to become a successful individual. How to recognize which person has the capacity of becoming successful in life? It is simple, look for those stubborn and modest people who never give up.
You shouldn’t quit if you wish to earn the privilege to be among those persons. If something is holding them back, they’ll avoid complaining or whining. A true winner is aware that without difficulties in life he/she cannot dig deep to find what lies beneath the self-made ego. Success also depends on your expectations.
What you take yourself to be? Are you worthy? Do you have high hopes? By answering these questions, you can be the master of your life, and the judge of your personal success and accomplishments.
The goal is not to be faultless, don’t pursue perfection in whatever you do, you are not a robot, the goal should be an integral part of real dedication and openness to learn and try as hard as possible. Learn from every experience, expand your knowledge and progress through life. Many motivators and entrepreneurs advise everyone to write their goals down, make a list and start fulfilling them.
However, we have one planet but millions of worlds (in the human mind), the same goes for millions of criteria for measuring success. Measuring success on a day-to-day-basis and week-to-week-basis is useful. Established brands would probably prefer to use a quarter-to-quarter or yearly measurement system; it all depends on company’s requirements.
Success is the end result of previous dedication and hard work; you have to try harder than your competitors if you want to feel the taste of success. Some people may say: It is based on “expanding and developing” and “getting ready for bigger and bigger challenges in life.”
Being an all-around master is a scenario that doesn’t even occur in movies. It would be the best if you are able to underline your potential strengths and use them to avoid the taste of failure. Nevertheless, you have to be prepared for false steps as well, since losing is a part of the “game of life.”
Jeffrey J. Mayer presents not one but series of useful techniques, management principles, and various guidelines capable of getting the best out of you. If you are looking for a book with a smooth flow targeted for any individual involved in any business; this is the right one for you.
According to Jeffery, people have to start believing in themselves, raise their expectations and never blame anyone for their emotional or professional breakdowns. It is evident that challenges would emerge, but that is a part of the game. He doesn’t exaggerate things, he speaks about real life-situations and how to act if you find yourself in such.

Key Lessons from “Success is a Journey

  1.       Follow your dreams not your obsessions
  2.       The difference between negative and positive thinking
  3.       If you crave for success, you have to want it bad enough

Follow your dreams not your obsessions

In pursuance of success, a person vision ought to be supported by a well-defined plan or a strategy that acts as a guide. This passion should burst into flames if an individual wants to have or achieve something.
It must not be an obsession because if you are obsessed with someone or something, you’ll feel trapped and resistant towards change.

Have Fun along the way

It may sound weird, but if you are not having a good time along the way you haven’t picked the right dream.
If you feel suffocated by your job or work environment, then you should quit immediately. A successful person must be happy and satisfied with its life, not just rich.

If you crave for success, you have to want it bad enough

Perhaps, the most important of all principles is having a strong desire and energy pointed directly towards the ultimate goal. Gradually, this desire will turn into action. For instance; Dedicated people don’t have the word “no” in their vocabulary.

“Success Is a Journey” Quotes

Successful people never quit. When they suffer a setback, they just pick themselves up and keep going.Success begins with a state of mind. You must believe you’ll be successful in order to become a success.To be successful you’ve got to have a dream, a vision, a burning passion, a magnificent obsession. You’ve got to want something, and you’ve got to want it bad. This dream/goal/obsession has to become your prime motivator.When you desire something so deeply that you won’t take no for an answer, you’re sure to succeed. The people who are most successful are those who are willing to do whatever it takes to get the job done.The only way you can fail is if you quit. So you just can’t fail the last time you try.

Our Critical Review

The lack of originality is perhaps the greatest flaw that certain critics refer to. Certainly, Jeffrey talks about many well-worn platitudes about success, which sometimes sound too straightforward and obvious.
However, don’t let that discourage you, we recommend this book to owners, executives, and manager ready to brush up some of their management skills.


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