Understanding and Overcoming Depression Summary

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Understanding and Overcoming Depression Summary

A Common Sense Approach

“Understanding and Overcoming Depression” doesn’t essentially lead you to the revelation that depression is something which is relevant only to those suffering from it. We can all agree that nowadays, we all have moments of sorrow, grief, and dissatisfaction.
This book summary offers a set of tips and tools on how to overcome it, and transform your life in years to come.

Who Should Read “Understanding and Overcoming Depression”? And Why

Let’s get things clear:
Find out more and be prepared to cope with anything coming your way. What does this mean? Tony Bates, is thrilled to share some of his secrets that can be used in various situations, which will ultimately transform you from depressed to a person with passion and spirit.
Eager to learn the secrets to a better life:
This classic is prescribed for all individuals who have the feeling of an underdog, throughout life. It offers a new perspective that can be used for something other than personal interest but also self-help.

About Tony Bates

Tony BatesDr. Tony Bates is senior clinical psychologist operating at St. James’s Hospital in Dublin, Ireland and the author of books related to self-help and overcoming depression.

“Understanding and Overcoming Depression Summary”

Even though the today’s world offers plenty of opportunities for dealing with any type of situation, we didn’t find the cure for depression yet. Every once in a while, all of us have this feeling of anxiety, followed by stress and lack of energy. In other words, people get depressed due to their current circumstances, or standings.
How to deal with it? – Here’s the kicker:
Let’s clarify this feeling before a conclusion is made. Depression is an end-result of dissatisfaction but is it essential, or in other words is it something we can’t avoid. Absolutely that’s not the case, because we create it, or build it, with our belief, energy, and attention. One term is especially associated with it, and we assume you already know that word – none other than stress.
The world doesn’t leave much room for sorrow, it allows you to grief, but you must immediately bounce back and take the driving seat!!! The stress of losing a job, or experience the loss of someone you love, is a tough time for every human being. Nevertheless, let your emotions aside, and start focusing on the facts.
You might be wondering:
Why so few people get up filled with energy, living the life, spreading joy, and experiencing success in all fields? In fact, handling the responsibility of a happy person takes guts more than anything. What grants you the right of believing that you are not worthy of being that person? Of course, having support from your friends and family is crucial, but not inevitable. Even tragic situations are not an excuse to fall for eternity, or you will suffer the consequences of clinical depression.
First and foremost, let’s explain the following traits that characterize the previously mentioned clinical depression:
  • A sad mood is emerging out of nowhere.
  • Lacking energy and motivation to pursue happiness.
  • Issues related to concentration and absence of memory power.
  • Starting to lose interest in activities that previously gave you joy and satisfaction.
  • Having troubles falling asleep and lack of appetite.
The significance of depression, as we mentioned a several extends far beyond the concept of not feeling well. In other words, as a person, you must be willing to endure and remove that feeling out of your life – gradually. No one expects a miracle, only commitment and dedication to came out as a happy person on the other side. True clinical depression reflects things that are far worse than anxiety, and last for a longer period.
Nevertheless, don’t get discouraged even if this severe psychological issue controls you and your life. Nowadays there is no shortage of methods that can help handling clinical depression and other forms of unhappiness.
Learn more about the idea of writing a book like this:
Dr. Tony Bates returns to the beginnings of the idea that gave him enough room to share his thoughts on the “depressive population”. This easily absorbable book covers both practical methods and medication that can help you in your endeavor. Bates lays out a simple plan to follow which includes techniques against negative thoughts and other sensations.
You may be familiar with other similar types of classic, but believe us when we say: not many books have the depth of information, as “Understanding and Overcoming Depression”.

Key Lessons from “Understanding and Overcoming Depression”

1.      Protecting company’s interest
2.      Living on the verge of a breakdown
3.      The reality of all human beings

More than an emotion

Depression is far more than a low mood that takes place after an unpleasant experience. It’s more of a state, a fixated state that takes control over one’s life and is responsible for reducing that “lifting” capacity and motivation.

Living on the verge of a breakdown

Sticking to these negative sensations as an interpretation that they are part of your inner reality, is the worst-case scenario. In general, people suffering from depression are often isolated, and in constant deep-thinking kind of mood. Described as individuals of low self-esteem, they are at the mercy of other.

The reality of all human beings

Not only that it can affect anyone without warning, but it can also have long-lasting effects. No one is spared, from the impact of this “disease,” – close the gates and make sure that you have the antidote – just in case. This metaphor showcases that depression can affect all people regardless of gender, age, nationality, religion, but women between 25 and 65 are momentarily at the top of this statistic.

“Understanding and Overcoming Depression” Quotes

Don't believe in the disturbing thoughts when you are overwhelmed by a sense of sadnessFind peace in every situationDon't be ashamed of your current situation

Our Critical Review

We feel like this book has covered the essential elements of our inner nature. In other words, we believe that this classic is highly informative, and beneficial, despite some repetitiveness that occurs periodically.  


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