you can win summary

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What makes successful people different from the unsuccessful ones? Well, this Book is all about that. Read my summary for more on this book: 

This was the first book that I read (apart from the curriculum books). If you are a non-reader and are confused where to start, then "You Can Win" should be your first book too.
Believe me, this book will completely change your perspective towards life, because it changed mine. Below are the key lessons from the book:

Key Lessons from the book

  • Successful people have the same problems as unsuccessful people, however, the difference is that successful people overcome them, while unsuccessful people don't. Successful people get up every time they fall.
  • The four secrets to Success are Desire, Direction, Dedication and Discipline.
You Can Win Book SummaryYou Can Win Book Summary
The Four Secrets to Success
  • Education is overrated. Most people are in the race to acquire as many educational degrees as possible, while what they should acquire is positive attitude. Positive attitude is the foundation for success. We ourselves become our biggest obstacle by having a negative attitude.
  • Always look for positive aspects in every situation and in every person. If you are looking for negativity then you will be able to see it and if you are looking for positivity, then you will see it too. The point is, we mostly findwhat we have been looking for. Be an Optimist.
  • The best way to motivate oneself is "motivate through action". Instead of procrastinating, cultivate a habit of Doing It Now. Nobody is born an expert, but can become one by persistently working on it.
  • People often misconstrue education with mugging up facts but true education is about simplifying them. True education is wisdom, not mere knowledge. An uneducated person can be successful if he has Character, Commitment, Conviction, Courtesy, Courage and Competence.
  • Successful people are gifted with sixth sense - Commonsense.
You Can Win SummaryYou Can Win Summary
Successful people are gifted with Commonsense
  • Develop High Self-Esteem/ Self-Respect. Whenever we are associating ourselves with negative actions like lying, cheating or stealing, we lower our self-esteem. Do something for others who are unable to pay in cash or kind. This action will give a boost to your self-esteem.
  • The difference between Winners and Losers is of Action and Inaction. Winners act, while Losers don't act.
  • The principles of success can be learned. There is no mystery in Success. Success and Failure are result of repeated choices we make in our lives. Successful people make correct choices while Failures make repeated mistakes (faulty choices).
  • Success is a journey, not a destination. It's an ongoing process. We never arrive. After we reach one goal, we go on to the next one.
  • There is no such thing as perfection. People striving for perfection are neurotic because everything can be done better the next time. What differentiates winners from others is the winning edge and winning edge is excellence, not perfection (Excellence = continuous improvement).
  • Winning has a price and that price is Hard Work. Talent without Hard Work and Willpower is a waste.
  • Confidence comes from preparation.
  • Take pride in performance, with humility. Hold yourself accountable to higher standards of performance than others. Pay attention to every small detail.
  • Play to win, not to lose.
  • Successful people take calculated, responsible risks. People who risk nothing, do nothing, have nothing and become nothing. The greatest risk in life is not taking any risk, playing safe.
  • Do what needs to be done. Unsuccessful people often do what fancies them, ignoring their priorities. Set your priorities right.
  • Whatever you do, do everything right the first time. The difference between success and failure is the difference between doing exactly right and almost right.
  • Patience is a virtue. Patience is not idleness. Idleness is procrastination. Patience involves perseverance and persistence.
  • Be disciplined, Confine your energy and work with self-control by avoiding distractions and temptations. Such discipline builds consistency and enables an individual to take higher responsibility.
  • Stay humble. Stay hungry, Stay Foolish. Don't be under the impression that you know everything. Such impression is an illusion, which blurs person's vision and his decision-making abilities.
  • Give best education to your kids, teach them positive habits. Children are the mirror of their parents and they act as their parents act .
  • We are responsible for our Self, our Family, our Work, our Society and our Environment. Be a valuable citizen by accepting responsibility. Our greatest responsibility is to make every area that we are associated, as stated above, a little better.
  • Stop complaining. Stop being bitter. Set your own standards. Be honest to yourself. Compete against yourself.
  • Develop the habit of giving yourself auto-suggestions (positive self-talk) like - I commit to hard work, I always finish what I start, I work hard and expect success, I always practice healthy habits, and I am relaxed, cool, calm and collected. Do this every morning, as you wake up and every night, before going to bed in a quiet spot. Auto-suggestions should always be in present tense.
  • Be ethical in your profession. Give more than what was asked for. This is the key to great professional career. Don't cheat your customers. Cheating others is actually making ourselves pessimistic and suspicious.
  • Change is inevitable - whether we like it or not it is there.
  • Have a define, clear written goal. Goals helps in achieving a dream by having a clear deadline, direction and an action plan. Goals must be SMART, i.e., S - Specific, M - Measurable, A - Achievable, R - Realistic and T - Time-bound.
  • Feed your subconscious mind with positive things. Subconscious mind is like a garden, hence, plant good seeds so that we will have a good garden.
  • Read Biographies and Autobiographies. Remember, learning never stops (motto of this blog!!!). So keep reading.
  • Show consideration. Think before you speak. Words hurt more than any weapon. Stop criticizing and complaining. Be kind. Be a good listener and make the other person feel important. Have discussion but don't argue. The best way to win an argument is don't argue.
  • Don't just promise, commit yourself. Promising is intention to do, while commitment is deliverance of intent.
  • Be Grateful. It can mean a smile, or a thank you, or a gesture of appreciation. Be thankful to the people closest to you.


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