The Future of the Mind Summary

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Even before the beginning of time, the human evolution took place in many mysterious ways. Amazed, and afraid of the spaciousness prevailing both inwardly and outwardly, we began exploring the world we live in.

Fortunately, over the years we’ve developed many helpful tools that aided us in the battle against ignorance. One of those discoveries is actually the telescope, which enables the humans to “interact” with the universal bodies and entities that remain unexplored to some extent.
Before we embark on a new adventure, we leave you with a question – How well you know your mind?
The physical functioning of a human brain is subjected to lots of discussions. While the scientists and experts in human development argue on numerous topics, we can begin our march towards the basics of it. Unless you have the expertise to participate in such debates, it’s best if you stick with Michio Kaku’s theory.
Despite the early struggle, scientists are finally able to cope with the enormous capabilities that the human brain possess.  
How to divide the brain?
First and foremost, one must understand the core that holds the structure together. Reptilian brain originated from our dear evolutionary counterparts and evolved in a manner as you probably would have guessed. Located at the center of the human brain, it also covers the back side. Its name derives from, the reptiles as they have almost the identical brain structure as we do.
What does this button do?
All joking aside, this “button” is crucial for not just survival, but also all the elements linked to it. We may have forgotten, but thousands of years ago, we were obsessed with our daily needs and had to be aware of any hidden danger lurking around us. All these features and mental traits are an integral part of the 500 million years evolvement, which nowadays represents the reptilian brain.
The mammalian brain occupies the second place. It is composed of a cerebral cortex and limbic system. In other words, it represents the outer layer of the human brain.
Last but not least, we refer to the prefrontal cortex. It is kind of an extra feature that acts as a divider between different species, including the mammals. In fact, it is an integral part of the outer layer and located behind the forehead, which is not the case with other mammals. Nonetheless, despite these differences, we share many things with our four or two-legged friends.
Generally speaking, the population is quite familiar with the fact that our brain is split into two hemispheres – left and right. You can’t say that they are codependent, nor independent. Both cover unique motoric and mental functions, fairly similar but not totally identical to the other one.
How’s that possible?
These so-called specific functions can also be subdivided according to your needs. For instance, the left hemisphere is in charge of the muscles that are located in the right area of the human body. However, the right one covers those, which are placed on the left side.
Technically it’s a two-way street.
Since the start of the turbulent era of the 1990s, the scientists equipped with the latest medical technology began to dive into the unknown of the brain and discovered that the process of evolving is not yet reached its peak.
You are probably familiar with the impact of brain imaging, if not – it grants the possibility to “take-a-walk” inside the brain, and explore it firsthand.

Key Lessons from “The Future of the Mind

1.      Brain probing and Optogenetics
2.      Quench your thirst for knowledge
3.      Telepathy and its impact

Brain probing and Optogenetics

Even though brain imaging was the thing of the future, the progress surely didn’t stop there. Another brain application emerged known as brain probing. As the name implies, the scientists analyze the brain’s reaction and effects while parts of it are disturbed and “provoked.”
Optogenetics is another thing coming, kind of like an update of the previously explained brain-probing.

Quench your thirst for knowledge

He acknowledges that the society has developed treatments for severe and minor brain issues, at the expense of human resources. Thanks to the technological enhancement, now we can really find ourselves in a better position than our ancestors once were.

Telepathy and its impact

Scientists have proven that some words or phrases can trigger the brain’s neuronal activation patterns. Let’s explain this vague statement. If you monitor a human brain, while reading or shouting some words, the team leading the investigation can use the gathered words to create a dictionary.
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“The Future of the Mind” Quotes

The brain weighs only three pounds, yet it is the most complex object in the solar system.For those who believe, no explanation is necessary; for those who do not believe, no explanation will suffice.We have learned more about the brain in the last fifteen years than in all prior human history, and the mind, once considered out of reach, is finally assuming center stage.Talent hits a target no one else can hit. Genius hits a target no one else can see.It seems that the one characteristic most closely correlated with success in life, which has persisted over the decades, is the ability to delay gratification.


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