Why Men Love Bitches Summary

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Who Should Read “Why Men Love Bitches Summary”? And Why?

There are a few questions every nice woman has asked herself like:
Why did he change? Why does he take me for granted? And – wait a moment! – why does he respect me more when I stand up for myself?
If you managed to find your own thoughts on these questions, do not worry, Sherry Argov’s “Why Men Love Bitches” has all the answers you need.
Between the covers of this no-nonsense book, you will understand why becoming a strong woman will make you much more desirable than a “doormat” woman.
We recommend this ultimate self-help guide to all women who feel that they are struggling with keeping their man’s attention and respect.
Why Men Love Bitches Summary

You have heard it numerous times before. And if you are one of the unlucky few – or, let’s be truthful: one of the unfortunate myriads – you have experienced it yourself and felt it in your very bones.

Men love bitches.
Even so, most women go the extra mile to please their men and, subsequently, get walked over.
Take Sue, for example. She loved Mike. But not just loved Mike – but loved Mike honestly. Sue did everything she could for him. She made him breakfast and lunch day by day and nurtured him by night. She cleaned after him and gave him foot massages.
And yes – she forgave him every single mistake.
You know what happened?
Of course, you know. Mike dumped her. Claiming that there was just not enough passion in the relationship. The problem – the real problem – is that he was most probably right.
You can’t expect passion and sparks from a sweet girl!
So why are women nice – even though niceties apparently lead nowhere?
The answer lies in society.
Young girls grow up learning that the best way to attract a man is to do everything they can to please him.
But this is not the way to earn a man’s respect!
Not anymore, at least.
If you are always here for your man, he will start taking all of your efforts for granted.
Plus, taking care of him will not make a man care for you sexually, but instead, develop a motherly fondness.
That is not what you want, right?
Being utterly devoted to your partner will only stress him out. It will also diminish your individuality and make your partner feel suffocated.
By trying to bring your partner closer, you are only pushing him away.
The worst mistake you can do is to give up what you do and what you like, so you can “click” better. This will make you look both needy and insecure.
Want a real-life example?
A Chicago couple. She: a vigorous, indefatigable ball of fire with hosts of friends, fond of traveling and salsa dancing. He: stricken by Eros at first sight. Fast forward few months and she has already given up her hobbies to make more time for her man in her life.
And he – well, he has fallen out of love with her.
Because the reason why he had been swept off his feet in the first place was the woman’s independence. Her zest for life. Her – being her.
Not being someone else for him.
No one needs to change for a relationship. Relationships should not be the thing that makes you whole – you need to be complete as an individual. And to do that you have to be your own person, who has her own interests and life.
Your man should love you for who you are – all your wishes, hobbies and friends enter the equation.
When you show a man you are prepared to give up everything for him, you are only burdening him, since he cannot feel the support he needs during stressful times.
As you can already conclude, most of the things we “know” about men are a complete lie.
Then, what do men really want?
Men love the chase; they like when women make things difficult for them.
Have we learned nothing from Robert Greene’s “Art of Seduction“?
Or from hunting?!
Wait… what?
You’ve read it right!
You know what evolutionary biologists say: women nest, men hunt. Since the very beginning of times. And this is reflected in many of their habits.
Yes – if you believe Jerry Seinfeld, that is – even in the different ways they watch television!
Let alone dating and relationships.
Really – just think about it!
A man is ready to go through a blizzard, sleep on the ground, and eat nothing but tuna for few days – just to experience the thrill of the hunt.
And it’s not really about bringing the shot deer back home. It’s about the possibility of doing that.
Because going to the butcher and buying a piece of venison yields the same result. And yet – it brings only none of the pleasure.
So, the best way to make your men entirely devote himself to you is making him work for your love and attention.
It is not about playing games – it is about a genuine change of attitude.
Realize that your time is valuable and that you are amazing as you are.
When you start appreciating yourself more, you will not feel the need to make all those sacrifices you thought of making, since you will feel that you are worthy of love just as you are.
That will instantly make you more attractive.
Love yourself, and everyone else will follow.

Key Lessons from “Why Men Love Bitches”

1.      Put Yourself First
2.      Treat Yourself and Create Some Distance
3.      Do Not Fake It
4.      Make Him Feel Manly

Put Yourself First

Forget everything you learned about men!
You do not need to put all your energy into pleasing him. In fact, that will only harm you and your relationship!
Men do not want someone to please all of their caprices. They want a strong woman who knows how much she is worth.
So, instead of going out of your way to make your man “happy,” focus on yourself. Love yourself, stay independent and never give up your wishes and hobbies.
Make your men work for your love and attention.
We promise you, he will appreciate it.

Treat Yourself and Create Some Distance

Having some distance is useful from time to time.
Relationships can be suffocating if one partner pours all the attention to the other.
Stop dedicating all the time to your partner, since doing it excessively can feel like a burden.
Instead, start having some time for pampering yourself.
Make a bubble bath of self-love, and watch your relationship turn for the better.

Do Not Fake It

Do not fake this new attitude. Pretending to be independent and self-confident is not enough.
Men can sense when you act in a certain way without feeling the same way.
So if you act confident and stand up for yourself, but you do not believe you are worthy, that will not help you in any way.
Shut your negative voice up, and work on waking up the feeling of self-sufficiency inside yourself.
You do not want to play a game to keep your man – that is exhausting. What you want is to be what you present yourself to be: a strong, beautiful woman, deserving of all the love in the world.

Make Him Feel Manly

This rule is as old as the book itself!
Your man – obviously – wants to feel manly. Even more obviously, he is very probably not as smart as you.
Do we really need to spell out the rest for you?
Let’s try it with a slightly altered proverb: behind every great man, there’s a great woman… calling the shots.
Because, you see, men will do many things for a woman. But that’s only a thousandth part of what they will do for themselves, i.e., against everybody’s wishes, so as to feel that they’re in control.
Offer them the pleasure.
You know, once you make them believe that what they want is exactly what you don’t. Even though, in reality, what they want was your idea all along.
Wink, wink.


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